About me

I ensure problem-solving analytically and pragmatically.

Transparent and clear communication, along with respectful interaction with all stakeholders, is integral to my approach. From the shop floor to the top floor, I am at home. I engage the organization’s people as participants, ensuring sustainable goal achievement. Thanks to my extensive professional experience in companies of various sizes and cultures, I am a respected conversational partner, consultant, and coach across hierarchies. My clients benefit from my profound production technical expertise and my long-gathered business experience.

Over my 30-year career, I have demonstrated success as a Senior Consultant and Managing Consult, particularly in advancing toolmaking companies. As an Operations Manager and Plant Manager, I have successfully established, led, optimized, and restructured international plants and production networks in the automotive supply industry. Besides the swift effectiveness of my actions, ensuring the sustainability of improvements is a consistent aspect of my work.

I am your problem solver, characterized by:

This is what sets me apart as a human being

  • Structured and transparent communication, building trust
  • High integrative capacity, even in difficult situations
  • Finding and implementing solutions collaboratively
  • Come to solve together
  • Managing crises and developing and seizing opportunities
  • Interculturally open and highly experienced internationally
  • Team player, motivating leader, and goal-oriented employee manager
  • Strong analytical, decision-making, and assertiveness with a focus on essentials

Professional Characteristics

  • Leadership of local sites and global production plants
  • Establishment, leadership, and restructuring of Operations and Manufacturing Engineering organizations worldwide
  • Global integration of companies/segments and merging of corporate cultures (Post Merger Integration)
  • Profound knowledge of modern production processes and production machinery (Metal, Plastic, and Textile processing, Surface technology, Assembly, JIS Logistics)
  • With over 30 years of international experience and 100+ intercontinental travels, the international environment with its intercultural challenges has become my second home.
  • As a DGQ System Auditor, DGQ Quality Manager, and VDA Process Auditor, I leverage the entire toolbox of Lean Management.